Portfolio 21/09/2011 Under the EiffelTower – Paris Photography of the Eiffel Tower – Paris – France - Nikon D90 – Sigma 10mm… Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 10/09/2011 Event Anail – Page and Facebook page Webdesign for a new page on the website andthe Facebook Page for the brand ANAIL. Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 16/08/2011 ABCD – Webdesign Webdesign for the European Advisory for Cat Diseases. Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 15/08/2011 Toile tendue – BrooklynB This is just picture of my new print. I have printed my photo of the… Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 10/08/2011 Tshirt LAO – Family Private Joke Illustration in Lao for a Tshirt. Just a Privat Joke with my cousin... Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 02/07/2011 New identity – DigitalGarden New identity for the WebAgency Digital Garden - New logo, Webdesign and Flash animation Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 16/06/2011 Desley – Facebook Flash Game Design 2 Game Design and Illustration for a Flash Facebook Game. The first based on CrashTest… Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 16/06/2011 Delsey – UI Design for mini-site and iPhone App Design of one iPhone App / Mini Website and "Tamagochi" characters based on Delsey's suitcases Baptiste C DAVID Love0
Portfolio 16/06/2011 Isilog Webdesigns Couple Webdesign for an IT-Technologie Brand. Baptiste C DAVID Love0