Concept and illustration for the poster of the 11th edition of the music Festival “Cubi de Rosé” in Normandy a festival organised in my homeland France.
This 11th edition 2015 will happen without me this year as I won’t be in the country this August 2015, so i’ll do my part oversea by concepting and producing the Brand image of the 2015 Music Festival.
Created in one weekend, this poster is full of memories and private jokes. Each elements have a story from the previous editions of the music Festival. Hope people will have as much fun to look for them as i had to draw them.
Rubi de Cosé yé! o/
Making of
Quick Fast-motion video of the making of the poster. It took me a whole weekend from start to finish thanks to Illustrator which forced me to have a break on Saturday evening. (2:00 in the video).
Facebook Page of the association.